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Art Therapy

Art therapy is very helpful in helping one relax and work through emotions. It has proven to be valuable in treating several issues like depression, anxiety, addiction, etc.


 So what is art therapy?

Art therapy is simply applying visual arts into a therapeutic practice. It is expressing oneself through art, for one's physical, emotional, and mental well being. There are three elements that are present in art therapy: the artist, the art therapist, and the artwork. It may be practiced in groups, couples, in families, individually, and in communities

How does one use art therapy?

One does not necessarily need to see an art therapist to benefit from art therapy. You can try many simple activities even from the comfort of home. These could be sketching, clay sculpting, art journaling or simply making collages. The media doesn't matter as long as you feel comfortable with it. Remember, it is not the final product that matters, but rather the process of creating. You do not have to be a professional artist, but rather tap into your innate creativity and be honest with your emotions and yourself.

If accessible, taking guidance from an art therapist can also have many advantages as they can help you find what activity suits your needs the best. Group art therapy can be helpful in making meaningful connections with other people and help combat depression and loneliness. An art therapist provides purposefully curated materials and practices, to support the artist's work for specific therapeutic goals.

How does art therapy work?

 Art therapy works on several different levels- the body, the mind, and the soul.

Our senses of touch, hearing, and smell are involved in art therapy and therefore it is multi-sensory. Involving the body in the process of creation, makes us feel calm as we become more in tune with the present moment. Co-ordinated movements help regulate our heartbeat and breath.

Art therapy is a powerful channel of expression, as we can communicate non-verbally through images which can sometimes be easier than the use of language, art therapy can help access the sub-conscious mind. Art therapy helps to activate both sides of the brain and therefore,  helps create a balance in our mental state and reduce stress.

It is also a spiritual practice as it helps connect with our soul and become more self-aware. It helps to make meaning of our lives and has the power to be self-revealing.

The main benefits of art therapy are:

  • self-discovery

  • boost in self-esteem

  • emotional release

  • stress relief

It is an overall healing process, combining both the bodily and the mental experience, making it very powerful.


Art therapy can be quite self-revealing and therefore, almost as painful as talking about emotions which might be difficult to process. If you do not feel comfortable with that, and are not ready to try it, that is completely fine.

Art Therapy

Art Therapy

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