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What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?


A psychiatrist is more like a medical doctor who is specialised to prescribe medicines. However, psychologists provide psychotherapy (talk therapy) and identify emotional, behavioural and psychological issues.

What is mental illness?


A mental illness is a brain condition that affects a person’s behaviour or thinking. Mental health refers to a person’s emotional and psychological well being.

What causes mental illness?


Although the exact root cause of mental illness is unknown, research suggests that a mix of genetic, biological, psychosocial, and environmental factors as being the root of most conditions. Since this combination of causes is complex, there is no sure way to completely prevent mental illness. However, you can reduce the risk by practicing self-care, seeking help when needed, and paying attention to early warning signs.

Can people with mental illness recover?


When healing from mental illness, early identification, and treatment are of very importance. Based on the nature of the illness, there are various treatments available. For any type of treatment, it is necessary that the person affected is fully engaged in their own recovery process.


Many people with mental illnesses who are diagnosed and treated respond well, although some might experience a return of symptoms. Even in such cases, with careful monitoring and management of the disorder, it is still quite possible to live a fulfilled and productive life.

Do character flaws or personality weaknesses cause mental illnesses?



No, mental illnesses like depression are a result of changes in the biology of the brain and have nothing to do with people being lazy or weak and many people need help. Other factors like genetics, life experiences of abuse and trauma also cause clinical depression or anxiety.

Does a period of sadness and rumination mean that I suffer from a mental health issue, like depression?


Not necessarily, there is a huge difference between sadness and clinical depression. But, if your persistently depressive mood causes significant impairment in daily life, including changes in sleep, appetite, energy level, concentration, daily behaviour or self-esteem as a result of a change in brain function, then it may be called depression. For diagnosing that, one needs to approach a clinical psychologist.

What should I do if a friend or family member feels symptoms associated with depression or anxiety?


What are the non-medication methods for treating mental health symptoms?

Apart from medication, one can also opt for therapies like support groups where people feel lighter and relieved from encouragement and advice. Other options include yoga, exercise, meditation, acupuncture and acupressure and massage. 
In fact, dance therapy, music and art therapy have also shown better mental health outcomes as they all release endorphins which contribute to pain reduction and mental well-being.

What is CBT and how does it work?


CBT stands for cognitive behavioural therapy. Practitioners base the theory on problems arising from the meanings people give to events, as well as the events themselves. Unhelpful thoughts can make it difficult for a person to function confidently in different situations.

CBT can have a positive impact on how people feel and act and equip them with coping strategies that help them deal with challenges (Medical News Today).

If I feel better after taking medication, does this mean I am "cured" and can stop taking it?

No. Medication must not be stopped immediately as withdrawal symptoms can occur which can be undesirable and counter-productive for the treatment. Hence, it is always advisable for the patient to consult with his/her doctor as to what step can be taken if there are improvements.

Offer support to people whom you know are undergoing the symptoms. If you encourage them to approach a mental health specialist and seek counselling and therapy, that would be better because staying in denial will only inhibit them from the path of recovery.

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